An important skill in graphic design is product photography, not only to showcase your own designs, but to be able to market your clients' products as best as possible. It is important to be able to do mockup photography that showcases the product as well as staging and modeling to tell a story that will engage customers.

Musician and songwriter Luis Gomez drew inspiration from his lyrics for this photoshoot, with the sun and nature being important themes. The final photographs were used for his self titled album as well as for editorial use.

In the age of Linked In and other professional social media, headshots are more important now than ever. It is important to have a high quality photo to be able to show clients and employers.

Wedding and engagement photography is some of the most important, it is a reminder of a special occasion and will be looked at generations later. Not only do typical things have to be considered such as lighting, framing, and composition, but also capturing the moments and emotion.